Welcome to the official website of the  International Martial Arts Hall of Fame

“To connect – To honour – To respect”

a organization of The Netherlands with the purpose To connect martial arts enthusiasts, experts, masters and grandmasters of different nationalities and disciplines…

To build a strong network that offers martial artists the opportunity to connect and to exchange knowledge and experience. To recognize and to respect creditable martial artists, masters, grandmasters and experts and to give them the honour they deserve.

And this by organizing a two-yearly independent event “The International Martial Arts Hall of Fame” that will take place in the Netherlands. With his second edition in The Netherlands, Tiel on the 17st and 18nd of April 2026

GM Martin Zingel

Organization team:
GM Albert van Mildert
Sensei Gerard van der Linde
Sensei Dennis de Jongh

Keynote speaker:
Ronald wustenburg

Webmaster / Online Marketing:
Sensei Dennis de Jongh